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Biographical Information
Steve Nathans-Kelly
Editor, Streaming Media Producer

Steve Nathans-Kelly (steve at is editor of Streaming Media Producer and Video Publishing Director of Information Today Inc.

Articles By Steve Nathans-Kelly

HEVC vs. H.264: Bandwidth and Cost Savings

The case for moving from ubiquitous older video codecs like H.264 to newer codecs like AV1 or HEVC (H.265) is typically expressed in terms of encoding efficiency that translates to bandwidth and cost savings. For major content companies like Warner Bros. Discovery that have adopted H.265, how much has their experience borne out that hypothesis?
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Nov 2023

The 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards Finalists

More than 1,200 readers voted in 18 categories. We'll announce the winners in the November/December issue of Streaming Media, but here's a tease—the top three vote-getters in each category. And you just might be surprised at the names you see.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Oct 2023

Vote in the 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

Voting is open until September 25 in 18 categories. Cast your vote today!
Featured Articles, Posted 30 Aug 2023

Nominate Now for the 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

What's your favorite streaming tool, tech, or service? What is the year's biggest innovation? It's time to make your nominations for the only awards in the online video industry that are chosen by end users.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Jul 2023

Challenges of Flipping Live Content to VOD Delivery

Most live-streamed productions are almost entirely focused delivering a great stream to a live audience, but if you're not thinking about the flip to VOD when you're live, many producers would argue that it's one of the first things you should be thinking when the live show ends.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 Jul 2023

Adobe Talks Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro

The potentially game-changing update to Premiere Pro announced at NAB 2023 became available in late May: text-based editing.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Jun 2023

Scale Matters: How to Deliver Five-Nines Streams to Global Live Audiences

Any streaming workflow is only as strong as its weakest (or least-tested) link. The more massive the stream, unfortunately, the larg­er the opportunity and the smaller the margin for error. So, what do the experts say about the architectural demands and challenges of main­taining five-nines uptime and broadcast quality when the stakes are too high to let either suf­fer? And what solutions do they recommend?
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2023

What Puts the Fury in HP's New Z8 Fury Workstation?

What makes HP's new Z8 Fury Workstation so (fast and) furious? Among other things, by leveraging Intel's new Sapphire Rapids CPU architecture. Streaming Media's Marc Franklin gets the scoop in this interview with HP's Barbara Marshall from the HP booth at NAB 2023.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 May 2023

NAB 2023: Atomos Talks NDI and Shogun Connect

Atomos Senior VP Product Paul Scurrell discusses new developments at Atomos including NDI support and the Atomos Shogun Connect in this interview with Streaming Media contributing editor Shawn Lam in the Atomos booth at NAB 2023.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 May 2023

NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera

BirdDog CEO & Co-Founder Dan Miall joins Streaming Media's Shawn Lam in the BirdDog booth at NAB 2023 to discuss the BirdDog X120, a new NDI|HX3 20X PTZ cam billed as "the world's first Wi-Fi production PTZ" that lists for $995.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 May 2023

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